"The illustrations in the children's book invite the child in; the words invite him
to stay, and to come back again." E. Roberts

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Oregon State Fair Authors Table

This blog is supposed to be about writing, illustrating, and how to market what we do. I was very flattered to be invited and get accepted at the Oregon State Fairs authors table. It is an eleven day event for Oregon writers. We sit at a shared table for long hours, ten in the morning to nine or ten at night.Is it worth it? For me the answer is no. I market to the under five crowd and there are only a few sales in a day. Most days I have sold only one book in a twelve hour shift. Some of this could be blamed on the economy,or my writing ability, but authors who have been here for years set their goals at five books a day.This does not cover expenses. It is fun to talk to the public, and to network with other writers,but this is not an effective way to sell books. While a few authors may get asked to speaking events, there may be better ways to get the word out about your availability. The authors table is a great place for readers! Come by and talk to the writer to get signed copies.Writers who have several books out, for older markets seem to do the best. I do better at the Florence Saturday Market. I am in Salem for two more days, come visit the authors table, or I may not have the gas to get home.

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