My husband, shown here with one of his bands, and I had a date yesterday and that is why I didn't blog. We celebrated an anniversary of sorts, that is carefully prepared for each year. For 20 years we have been celebrating yesterdays date. We went to dinner and a rare movie. It was wonderful and romantic, and as we held hands over dinner like two teenagers we had to laugh. Neither one of us can remember what we are celebrating, what the anniversary is for. We tried to remember, we discussed our past in fine detail. But it eludes us. I think it may be the date of our first kiss??? What is even funnier is that neither of us stopped to remove it from the calender, even after realizing we didn't know what we are celebrating. We will continue to celebrate being together on November 20th for years and years to come.
That is hilarious that you and Dan are celebrating an unknown event! Ed and I, on the other hand, are lucky if we remember birthdays or our anniversary! :)