"The illustrations in the children's book invite the child in; the words invite him
to stay, and to come back again." E. Roberts

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Several years ago, I worked on this picture for a writing/illustrating retreat with SCBWI. I need a new retreat. This summer I attended a SCBWI conference and learned quite a few things that I have been doing wrong in my pictures. The littlest and biggest problem is a easy fix but something I just didn't know. Pictures read left to right just like the words. I had never thought about it. Do you see how all the faces are looking left? They should look right, to help with the turning of the page. Pictures are supposed to help with the movement through the book. If characters look right towards the next page, and or have their movement going that direction it helps flow and the reader will naturally turn the page. After finishing that particular class I went back and looked at my portfolio. Every one of my pictures moves left. I either need to move to a country where books move right to left, or I need to start over. Sigh! Why didn't someone mention this earlier? Do you think it is because I am left handed? Anyway, I want all of you, illustrators, out there to know: pictures need to move left to right. The characters need to look to the right and move that direction. Cars should drive towards the page turn. There are of course exceptions to every rule. But you need to have a better reason for it than mine, I just didn't know.

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